
So this is a picture back stage on the set of Willow (1988). Do you recognise who else is in this one? Well, that's the great George Lucas on the left and myself on the Right. But, whose that in the middle? It's Warwick Davis who played Willow. I doubled for Warwick and played a little (what else) villager.

As you already know this is Joanna Whalley and myself. The picture is 'on location' at Snowden whilst filming Willow..

This is on set With Val Kilmer at Elstree Studios where I doubled as Willow for Warwick.

This is a shot from the set of Willow with another legendary actor Kenny Baker who most famously played R2D2 .

Peter Bonner and Val Kilmer.

Myself and Pat Roach in Willow.

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